Hi all, new to puppet so excuse my noobiness  :)

I've got a puppet type to manage iptables rules (https://github.com/
camptocamp/puppet-iptables) running in my development environment.
The module works great for the most part; rules are calculated and
applied in the right order.  The problem is, it never seems to trigger
a "save".

I've got this in my iptables class manifest, per the documents:

        Iptables {
                before => Exec["save iptables rules"],
                notify => Exec["save iptables rules"],
        exec { "save iptables rules":
                command => "/etc/init.d/iptables save",
                refreshonly => true,

and the notifies seem to get created correctly:

# puppetd --environment=development --debug --test --server=puppet |
grep subscribes
debug: /Iptables[03 icmp -- time-exceeded]/notify: subscribes to
Exec[save iptables rules]
debug: /Iptables[02 ssh -- colo]/notify: subscribes to Exec[save
iptables rules]
debug: //rhel/Service[ntpd]/subscribe: subscribes to File[/etc/
debug: /Iptables[01 safe -- loopback]/notify: subscribes to Exec[save
iptables rules]
debug: //rhel/Service[sshd]/subscribe: subscribes to File[/etc/ssh/
debug: /File[/etc/my.cnf]/notify: subscribes to Service[mysql]
debug: /Iptables[03 icmp -- source-quench]/notify: subscribes to
Exec[save iptables rules]
debug: /Iptables[03 icmp -- echo-request]/notify: subscribes to
Exec[save iptables rules]
debug: //rhel/Service[snmpd]/subscribe: subscribes to File[/etc/snmp]
debug: /Iptables[01 safe -- output]/notify: subscribes to Exec[save
iptables rules]
debug: /Iptables[02 ssh -- internal]/notify: subscribes to Exec[save
iptables rules]
debug: /Iptables[04 test]/notify: subscribes to Exec[save iptables
debug: /Iptables[00 related -- input]/notify: subscribes to Exec[save
iptables rules]
debug: /Iptables[00 related -- output]/notify: subscribes to Exec[save
iptables rules]

but no matter what rules I change, the exec never gets triggered.  I
tested the notify for Service[mysql] by deleting the /etc/my.cnf file
and it gets triggered and executed just fine.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for any help!

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