On Nov 16, 6:06 pm, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
<li...@truthisfreedom.org.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-11-16 at 07:33 -0800, JWBoerma wrote:
> > Right now i am at a loss, since i cannot see what I'm doing wrong
> > Does anyone have any experience with this?
> > thanx in advance.
> Can you send the output from the following command:
> puppetd --test --verbose --no-daemonize
> And also the source code of your custom fact?
> Thanks,
> Matt

What a good night's rest can accomplish.
I went to gather the information you asked for, when I noticed that
somehow an old version was present in my module and was not presenting
the right answers.  I never checked before, whether it was the right
version, hence the problems I was having.

After replacing the factscript with the right one, everything worked
like a charm.

thanx for the response and sorry for the, in hindsight, unnecessary

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