Hi all,

I run the test.pp on the master host and the notify supplies the correct variables in the class notify and define notify.
node default {
$puppet_master = "hitw-cn-master-1"
include cn
node f13guest inherits default {
include test

notify{"outside class: $puppet_master":}
class test {
notify {"In class: $puppet_master":}
define thistest {
notify {"In define: $puppet_master":}
} #end class

notice: In class: hitw-cn-master-1
notice: //test/Notify[In class: hitw-cn-master-1]/message: defined 'message' as 'In class: hitw-cn-master-1'
notice: outside class:
notice: //Notify[outside class: ]/message: defined 'message' as 'outside class: '
notice: In define: hitw-cn-master-1
notice: //Node [f13gues]/Test::Thistest[aname]/Notify[In define: hitw-cn-master-1]/message: defined 'message' as 'In define: hitw-cn-master-1'

When I use the same idea in the yumrepo class
node 'hitw-gc-web01' inherits gdn_default_web {
include yum
$puppet_master = "hitw-gc-master-1"

class yum {

notify{"puppet master is: $puppet_master":}

case $operatingsystem {
redhat: { $yum_packagelist = [ "yum", "yum-utils", "yum-plugin-fastestmirror" ] }
centos: { $yum_packagelist = [ "yum", "yum-utils", "yum-fastestmirror" ] }
fedora: { $yum_packagelist = [ "yum", "yum-utils", "yum-plugin-fastestmirror" ] }

package { $yum_packagelist: ensure => installed }

yumrepo { "utils":
baseurl => "http://$puppet_master/cblr/repo_mirror/utils";,
descr => "Puppet related utilities repo",
enabled => 0,
gpgcheck => 0,

notice: /Stage[main]/Yum/Yumrepo[utils]/baseurl: is http://hitw-gc-master-2/cblr/repo_mirror/utils, should be http:///cblr/repo_mirror/utils (noop) notice: /Stage[main]/Yum/Notify[puppet master is: ]/message: is absent, should be puppet master is: (noop)

Apart from the node declaration (declaring in the inherited node as opposed to the node itself) the concept is the same.

What am I missing?


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