On Nov 24, 5:32 am, Arnau Bria <arnaub...@pic.es> wrote:
> I tried the example 
> fromhttp://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html#filelike
> $srt="search mydomain.com \nnameserver \
> \nnameserver192.168.1.2"
> file {
>    'default_ntp':
>          name    => '/etc/ntp.conf',
>          content => $srt#
> } }
> *notice double "{" at the end, as the exmaple shows, alo tried with simple 
> "}" with "," and ";" after $srt
> All my combinations produce and error. Double } syntax one (is doc wrong?) 
> and others same as above...
> So, how may I specify file content?

The second } at the end of that resource declaration is wrong.  A }
would appear in that location only if it was closing a surrounding
class, definition, or logic block.

I'm not sure you would need to do so, but you could try enclosing $src
in quotation marks, like so: "$src".  The property binding may
optionally be followed by a comma (,) or, because it's the last
property declared for the resource, by a semicolon (;).  Thus, I might
write this:

file { "/etc/ntp.conf":
    content => "$src"

or this:

file { "/etc/ntp.conf":
    content => "$src",

or this:

file { "/etc/ntp.conf":
    content => "$src";

Also, I do recommend declaring the owner, group, and mode for the


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