On 08/12/10 10:54, Adrian wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Is there a way when installing a package like this :
>       package { "rubygems":
>         ensure => installed,
>     }
> to pass -t parameter to apt-get in order to use a specific apt
> source ? EG : apt-get install -t lenny-backports rubygems
> Ideally I would not use exec ...
> I am on a Debian and I want to find a clean way to upgrade
> rubygems ...

I went with the slightly messy solution of adding the requested repo to
the package name:
package { rubygems:
   name => $operatingsystemrelease ? {
      /^5\.0\./ => 'rubygems/lenny-backports',
      default => 'rubygems',
   ensure => latest,

This causes puppet to 'spam' an "ensure created" line each run and a
wasted call to apt-get.

A temporary solution until squeeze appears and preferences.d is supported.

There is an old puppet issue for this feature request but no solution
was produced: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2406


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