On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 09:19:36PM -0800, Dmytro Bablinyuk wrote:
> A quick question, I have modified iptables.rb to include some custom
> "jump" values. I have restarted puppetmasterd, but client still sees
> old "jump" values
> How do I make iptables.rb to recompile?

iptabes.rb doesnt need a recompile because rubycode is interpreted. But
when you change the file on your master you have to sync it to your
clients /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/type/iptables.rb and that can be done
with "pluginsync = true" in your [agent] section on your client in
/etc/puppet/puppet.conf or if you specify --pluginsync on the
commandline when you start the agent.


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