A less elegant way, but an alternative is to simply have a *.repo file
per use case (if you don't have too many) and simply include that file
in the class or node that needs it.

On Dec 21, 4:07 am, Felix Frank <felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de>
> On 12/20/2010 07:26 PM, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm wondering how other people mange yum repositories using the yumrepo
> > type.
> > At the moment, we have a class called "repos" which has all of our repos
> > defined in it.
> > This class is included in our 'base' class which sets up things common
> > to all servers such as puppet, mcollective, nrpe etc.
> > The down side of this is that all of our repos are included on all of
> > our servers, leading to a complete mess in /etc/yum.repos.d/
> > I'm now thinking that I need to only call in the various repos for the
> > servers which require them, i.e. CentosBase and others would be included
> > in the 'base' class, however those which provide things such as php 5.3
> > would only be included on webservers etc.
> > What would be even nicer would be if there was a way to override certain
> > aspects of existing repos, for example:
> > class base{
> > # other yumrepo defines...
> > ...
> > ...
> > # stick with the php 5.1 in Centos Base
> > yumrepo{"epel":
> >         excludepkgs=>"php*",
> > }
> > }
> > class webserverphp52 {
> > # include php5.2 from epel
> >         yumrepo{"epel":
> >                 excludepkgs => "",
> >         }
> > }
> Hi,
> I'm not using yum, but this looks like a use case for either or both of
> virtual resources and inheritance:
> class yumrepos { # included by each and every node
>   @yumrepo {
>     "one": ...;
>     "two": ...;
>     ...
>     "epel": excludepkgs=>"php*", ...;
>   }
> }
> class base_repos { # also included by all (?)
>   realize(Yumrepo["foo", "bar"])
> }
> class php_repos {  # only for those who want
>   realize(Yumrepo["epel"])
> }
> class yumrepos_epel_enable_php inherits yumrepos {
>   Yumrepo["epel"] { excludepkgs => "" }
> }
> So your webserver class will probably
> include php_repos
> include yumrepos_epel_enable_php
> to get (in addition to the base repos) epel and include epel's PHP packages.
> HTH,
> Felix

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