On Dec 20, 6:51 am, aaron prayther <prayt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> does anyone have any examples of a "disconnected" configuration, not using a
> puppet master?


I know Jordan Sissel[1] runs his deployment very muhc like this.
There's no central puppet master, but packages that install/enforce a
particular configuration. As I recall he has a minimal 'base' set that
is responsible for ensuring a sane puppet environment, self updating,
etc.  Most of the traditional configuration is then managed in a
'content' set.

One immediate difference is that he's trusting the clients to define
which configuration is applied. It sounds like in your instance you'll
have a 'base' catalog with no per node definitions instead.

Matt Robinson also made a very interesting feature[2]. It uses a
puppet master to compile the clients catalog, but then packages the
catalog and all required resources in to a discrete tar file. The tar
is unpacked on the client then applied with a stand alone 'puppet
apply' run. As I recall this feature was actually created for a secure
environment where data had to be physically distributed on media.

Your use case could certainly package & version these complete catalog
sets using RPMs instead of tar.

[1] http://www.semicomplete.com/
[2] https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-compile-catalog-with-files

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