
I was aware of the 'Contribute' page, and it does indeed seem like a lot
of work, even for a reasonably experienced Git user like myself. I will
file a documentation bug. Thanks.


On 22-12-10 16:54, Disconnect wrote:
> Wait, lets see if I understand the requirements for a 5 word addition to
> the documentation, from a user who doesn't already use git:
> 1: go to the page below
> 2: discover it requires git
> 3: figure out what git is
> 4: install a git client
> 5: figure out how to use same
> 6: clone the entire repo (I just cloned it, and it weighs in at 13 megs of
> download, 25 megs of storage)
> 7: make the change
> 8: Oops, the page finally links to the docs we needed at step 3 and 5. So
> now watch a bunch of screencasts.
> 9: Generate patches. (Fortunately, we just spent an hour watching
> screencasts. This should be reasonably easy.)
> 10: Open a ticket. Wait, gotta register with redmine.
> 11: Register with bug tracker
> 12: Create a ticket and attach the patch
> Doesn't that seem .. I dunno.. insanely bad?
> How about:
> 1: go to the page below
> 2: discover that the change passes the triviality criteria
> 3: skip to 10 - register and open a ticket.
> On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Peter Meier <peter.me...@immerda.ch
> <mailto:peter.me...@immerda.ch>> wrote:
>     > Maybe it can be noted in the text, that on Debian and Ubuntu, the
>     package
>     > is called 'librrd-ruby'.
>     the best thing would be to open a documentation bug report. Oh and maybe
>     even supply a patch?
>     http://docs.puppetlabs.com/contribute.html
>     ~pete
>     --

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