
I'm a newbie to Puppet so please bare with me if I made silly mistakes
or question something really simple.

I was trying to intergrate Puppet with Nagios and I was customizing
David S's manifests/init.pp - extra_host define. I basically added one
more variable ($host_template) in the purpose of creating ${name}
_host.cfg file based on preferred host template.

define extra_host($ip = $fqdn, $short_alias = $fqdn, $parent = "none",
$host_template="none") {
    $nagios_parent = $parent
    $nagios_host_tempalte = $host_template
                  ensure => present,
                  mode => 644, owner => root, group => root,

       case $host_template {
             'test': { File[$nagios_cfgdir/${name}_host.cfg] { content
=> template ( "nagios_ds/host_test.erb" )} }
             default: { File[$nagios_cfgdir/${name}_host.cfg]
{ content => template ( "nagios_ds/host.erb" )} }

Then I tried to compile it, puppet complains Syntax error at
'/';expected ']' at the case line, but I don't see what was wrong in
those line. If I comment the case statement out, it went through fine.
Can someone point me what I did wrong?


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