On 01/07/2011 03:27 PM, Ace wrote:
> Can you please state an example explaining how relating classes would
> execute one class before another?


in this simple case, you could probably get away with

define appendifnosuchline($file="", $line="") {
   exec { "appendline_${file}_${line}":
     path    => "/bin:/usr/bin",
     command => "/bin/echo ${line} >> ${file}",
     unless  => "grep -qx ${line} ${file}",
     require => File[$file],

Note the require parameter to the exec resource. This will prevent you
from using this define on non-puppetmanaged files though. For more

define appendifnosuchline($file="", $line="", $disable_autorequire =>
false) {
   if !$disable_autorequire {
     Exec { require => File[$file] }
   exec { "appendline_${file}_${line}":
     path    => "/bin:/usr/bin",
     command => "/bin/echo ${line} >> ${file}",
     unless  => "grep -qx ${line} ${file}",

Then specify "disable_autorequire => true" where applicable.

The third route is not to touch the define at all and add the require
each time you declare it as a resource. But that's redundant, and we
don't like that.

There, much safer now ;)


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