> To reiterate, my 'ntp' class is defined in
> /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp and I have defined modulepath
> in my puppet.conf. The ntp module is imported in site.pp and included in
> nodes.pp.

Are the permissions adequate for your puppetmaster process?

> So it looks like my puppetmaster isn't correctly picking up my
> modulepath. Any ideas?

Are you pasting those paths and settings? Some typos tend to evade the
eye after just so many hours; you may want to paste excerpts from your
manifest, configs and filesystem listings somehwere.

> Also, is there a way to get more verbose logging on the puppetmaster?
> Currently I only have masterhttp.log, but I would like to enable debug
> logging to see everything the puppetmaster is doing.

I like to do this on occasion:
$ puppet master --masterport 8141 --no-daemonize --debug --verbose
--color false --pidfile=/var/run/puppet/master.debug.pid

That way, you get a second puppetmaster on another port, and can query
it from your clients using
$ puppetd --test --noop --masterport 8141


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