I like the idea of parametrized classes very much, and I would like to
use them. Unfortunately Ubuntu Lucid ships with puppet 2.5.4, which
doesn't support it. Does anybody here can tell me, how can I get 2.6.x
version of puppet and puppetmaster on Ubuntu?

I tried to install puppet from sources, but I failed miserably: The
internal installer does little more then copying the ruby scripts. It
doesn't create users, directories nor permissions necessary to run
puppetmaster, and error messages that are generated on such failed
install are cryptic.

I am aware of http://packages.debian.org/lenny-backports/puppet, but
itsn't strictly Ubuntu and there are missing dependencies, so right
now I can't install it (I used to be able to do it few weeks ago, when
they had puppet 2.6.2).

I am also aware of https://launchpad.net/~mathiaz/+archive/puppet-backports
but mathiaz doesn't provide puppetmaster.

Can anyone suggest me any hints on how to do it? Maybe there is
someone, who actually managed to run puppetmaster on Ubuntu 10.4 and
who would share how did he achieve it?

Thank you in advance,
Adam Ryczkowski

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