On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 05:06:04PM -0800, pl wrote:
> Hi,
> > Puppet::Provider::Package defines the prefetch class method. This is
> > called at the beginning of the puppet run to find matches between existing
> > packages and the one you described in your manifest. Prefetch calls
> > instances which should return an array of provider instances. One
> > provider instance for each package with the appropiate property_hash
> > {ensure => "whatever-version"}. If you dont know how to implement it try
> > with returning an empty array like hpux.rb does.
> Thanks.
> I still have this problem that I can't run puppet as a daemon and
> install packages as any other user. Trying to sudo inside the custom
> provider fails if puppet is running as a daemon.
> Is there no way around that?

Yes there is. And you will probably dont want to use backticks.
You can browse the functions in puppet/lib/util.rb for alternatives.
There are different ways to run commands. If you have defined a command
like you already did:

    commands :npm_cmd => "/home/node/opt/bin/npm"

This will mean that puppet will only use the provider if the command is
there and you will get a method for free that will run that command.


I'm not sure if this will have the output as a return value or just
success/failure. To parse output I find execpipe convenient. (You can
use command(:my_own_defined_command) to return your command as a string

    execpipe("#{command(:npm_cmd)} list_or_whatever_argument") do |output|
      output.each_line do |line|
        # do parsing here

To run all these as a different user you should (although I never tried
it) wrap them in

    Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser("username", "group") do
      # do stuff here as different user

Just grep for SUIDManager in the sources and you will find examples. You
may have to use userids and groupids for that to work i dont know.

Hope this helps.


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