On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Dick Davies <rasput...@hellooperator.net>wrote:

> I've almost finished a pretty simple type/provider to manage
> RabbitMQ users and virtual hosts.
> I'm using the 'ensurable' keyword in my type to save a bit of boilerplate.
> Type is below (the provider is just a wrapper around the 'rabbitmqctl'
> command.
> Have a feeling there's a developer guide somewhere I haven't found
> (been working from the puppetlabs site and @kartars blog).
> Couple of basic questions:
> 1. how can I set the type to default to 'ensure => present, isadmin =>
> false' ?
>     Not sure if the ensurable mechanism is causing the first to be hard,
>     but I can't see a way to set defaults in general

you can call the defaultto method in the param/property.

> 2. is there a way to mark attributes as required?

unfortunately not in the param/property blocks, there is supposed to be a
method called isrequired,but it does not work. You can do this with the
validate method on the type

> I've provided a validation for the initial_password parameter, but it only
> seems to fire if the parameter is there;
> it doesn't get checked if the parameter is absent.

> =======================================================
> # cat lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_user.rb
> Puppet::Type.newtype(:rabbitmq_user) do
>   @doc = "Manage RabbitMQ users"
>   ensurable
>   newparam(:name) do
>     desc "The name of the user"
>     validate do |n|
>       raise ArgumentError, "cannot be empty" if n.empty?
>       raise ArgumentError, "can't contain spaces" if ( n =~ %r(\s+) )
>       resource[:provider] = :rabbitmq_user
>     end
>     isnamevar
>   end
>   newparam(:initial_password) do
>     desc "the password for the user - only set on creation time"
>         defaultto 'foo'

>     validate do |n|
>       raise ArgumentError, "cannot be empty" if (n.empty? or n.nil?)
>       resource[:provider] = :rabbitmq_user
>     end
>   end

      validate do
        raise ArgumentError "initial_password is a required param" unless

>  end
> ===================================================
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