On Jan 24, 5:07 am, Jonathan Gazeley <jonathan.gaze...@bristol.ac.uk>
> Hi all,
> Is there a way to use the Package type to find the version number of an
> installed RPM?

Have you seen 'ralsh', or 'puppet resource'[1]? You can use these
interactively to interrogate the state of a system,  'puppet resource
package foo'.
I don't recall if the common Package providers ouput more than 'ensure
=> absent|present". It's up to your provider (rpm, fbsd, etc) to
provide the state information in it's instances method. I imagine many
will only test presence, for speed. It should perfectly reasonable to
fork and create your own copy of the provider that queries for
versions etc.

[1] http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/tools.html#puppet-resource-or-ralsh

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