On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 12:10:54 -0500
Tim Dunphy wrote:

> Hello list!

> [root@mclient ~]# puppetd --test
> info: Caching catalog for mclient.acadaca.net
> info: Applying configuration version '1297357383'
> err: //centos/Yumrepo[rpmforge]: Failed to retrieve current state of
> resource: A section with name base already exists
> notice: Finished catalog run in 1.23 seconds

> I've also grepped my manifests directory for the term 'base' and didnt
> find a duplicate repo definition that included it...

thee problem is that you have many [main] sections in your repos (grep
main /etc/yum.repos.d/*) and puppet doesn't like it (but yum does).

> thanks in advance!

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