dragonfly said:
> I wish to have puppet copy a file to /etc/cron.hourly/ on target
> machines, however when puppetmaster attempts to build the catalog it
> complains about a syntax error in both nodes.pp as well as in the
> manifest init.pp for this class.  I have experimented with various
> quotings as well as escaping the dot character with no success.  Can
> anyone shed light on a solution?
> puppetmaster 2.6.2 on Debian Wheezy 6.0

Hello :)

There is no problem to put dots in a path:

  file { "/etc/cron.hourly/walk_the_dog":
     source => "puppet:///modules/dogwalker/walk_the_dog.cron",

Maybe you could show the actual code and syntax error?
Rohan McGovern
Quality Engineer
Qt Development Frameworks, Nokia

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