I'm having an issue solving dependencies inside defines, where the paths to 
various resources are variable.  It seems like puppet isn't expanding all of 
the variables when it constructs the catalog, so it's unable to find the 
resources necessary to build things in the right order.

I've constructed a simple proof of concept to demonstrate the problem.  I'm 
hoping someone can provide some advice on how this case should be handled, 
because clearly I've misunderstood how puppet is intended to be used to handle 
this sort of case.

Here is my site.pp, with a single machine loading up the module that builds a 
standard service.  Each instance of the service has its own homedir with its 
own data, logs, etc.

node "puppet-bsd2.virtual" {
    include service
    service::app {
            service_num =>  "1";
            service_num =>  "2";

Here's the init.pp manifest for the 'service' module.  It includes the 
'devices' module which is used for creating device files in a chroot 
environment, and sets up the homedir for each instance of the service.

include devices
class service {
    file {
            ensure => directory,
            owner => root,
            group => wheel,
            mode => 755;
            ensure => directory,
            owner => root,
            group => wheel,
            mode => 755;
    define app (
        $homedir = "/opt/home",
    ) {
        file {
                ensure  =>  directory,
                owner   =>  root,
                group   =>  wheel,
                mode    =>  0750;
                ensure  =>  directory,
                owner   =>  root,
                group   =>  wheel,
                mode    =>  0750;
        devices::device_node {
                dir     => "$homedir/${service_num}/dev/";
                dir     => "$homedir/${service_num}/dev/";

And finally, the devices module.  

class devices {
    define device_node (
    ) {
        exec {
                creates => "${name}",
                cwd => ${dir},
                command => "/usr/bin/touch ${name}",

The problem is one of order of operations.  With the above manifests, puppet 
always tries to write the device files before it creates the 'var' directory 
that contains them.  According to the 'require' documentation, 'cwd' inside an 
exec clause should auto-require the directory referenced.  This wasn't working, 
and so I tried to change the 'cwd' to a 'require => File...' in order to make 
it more explicit.  This is what exposed the real problem to me:

Feb 11 17:18:40 puppet-bsd2 puppet-agent[68963]: Could not run Puppet 
configuration client: Could not find dependency File[/opt/home/2/dev/] for 
Exec[create-device-/opt/home/2/dev/null] at 

How do other people deal with these sorts of dependencies, where the files and 
directories being created have variable paths based on the arguments passed to 
a definition?  Is there a better way to get where I'm trying to go with this?

Any clue is highly appreciated.

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