I am writing a module to configure a Nexus maven repository manager service 
on a centos5 host.

As far as I'm aware, Nexus isn't available as an rpm, so there is a manual 
install step. 
I'm new to puppet so I tried getting it to copy a shell script over to the 
host to have it:
- Extract the tar.gz
- symlink the extracted foldername to nexus
- symlink nexus/blah/init.d/nexus /etc/rc.d/init.d/nexus
- add nexus to check config
- enable nexus at boot
- start nexus via service.

The script works fine when run manually, but obviously puppet runs as the 
puppet user and getting puppet to exec it dissolved into permissions issues.

So I was wondering, what is the recommend puppet way of handling installs of 
non packaged programs? 
I have similar problem with installing maven on the same box, but I 
imlemented it as a sequence of Exec steps, which causes much bloating of the 
puppet config...

And what does the manifest attribute on a Service type do? Is symlinking the 
init script necessary or can I just specify the init script in the manifest 
attribute and have puppet work it's magic?



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