postfix-pflogsumm.x86_64, it's summ not sum.

source => "puppet:///postfix/aliases.db"; <--- I don't think you need
the ; anywhere. You've got a a few of them.


On Mar 3, 1:14 pm, Tim Dunphy <> wrote:
> hello list!!
> I am having some trouble with a postfix module I am attempting to
> implement. as always, your input is extremely valuable and would be
> appreciated
> here's what's going on:
> ## errors
> err: //postfix/Package[postfix-pflogsum.x86_64]/ensure: change from
> absent to present failed: Could not find package
> postfix-pflogsum.x86_64
> notice: //postfix/Cron[pflogsum]: Dependency
> package[postfix-pflogsum.x86_64] has 1 failures
> warning: //postfix/Cron[pflogsum]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
> err: //postfix/Service[postfix]/ensure: change from stopped to running
> failed: Could not start Service[postfix]: Execution of '/sbin/service
> postfix start' returned 1:  at
> /etc/puppet/modules/postfix/manifests/init.pp:35
> err: //postfix/File[/etc/aliases.db]: Failed to retrieve current state
> of resource: Error 400 on SERVER: Permission denied -
> /etc/puppet/modules/postfix/files/aliases.db Could not retrieve file
> metadata for puppet:///postfix/aliases.db: Error 400 on SERVER:
> Permission denied - /etc/puppet/modules/postfix/files/aliases.db at
> /etc/puppet/modules/postfix/manifests/init.pp:17
> As you can see pflogsum is not being installed and the postfix service
> is not starting. also the aliases.db file that I am attempting to
> share doesn't get transferred. although
> ## ls of files
> [root@puppet ~]# ls -l /etc/puppet/modules/postfix/files/aliases.db
> -rw-r----- 1 root root 12288 Mar  2 16:18
> /etc/puppet/modules/postfix/files/aliases.db
> ## /etc/init.d/modules/postfix/manifests/init.pp
> class postfix {
>    $mailadmin = "nick@$domain"
>    $packagelist = ["postfix.$architecture", "postfix-pflogsum.$architecture"]
>    package { $packagelist:
>      ensure => "installed"
>    }
>    file  {
>    "/etc/aliases.db":
>       mode => "0640",
>       source => "puppet:///postfix/aliases.db";
>    }
>    file {  "/etc/postfix/":
>       source => "puppet:///postfix/";
>    }
>    file { "/etc/postfix/":
>       source => "puppet:///postfix/"
>    }
>    service { "postfix":
>     enable => true,
>     ensure => running,
>     hasstatus => true,
>     require => Package["postfix.$architecture"]
>    }
>    cron { pflogsum:
>      hour => 2,
>      minute => 15,
>      user => mail,
>      command => "/usr/sbin/pflogsum -d yesterday /var/log/maillog |
> mail -s 'pflogsum from $fqdn' $mailadmin",
>      require => Package["postfix-pflogsum.$architecture"]
>    }
> }
> so thanks once again for your support without your help I would never
> have come as far as I have!
> best!
> tim
> --
> GPG me!!
> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F186197B

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