On 10-03-11 12:49, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday I implemented a module for managing Nagios configurations. It
> has turned out to be quite a complex beast, but in my test environment, it
> seemed to do everything it should.
> Now, in production, managing some 30 hosts, I get the following on the
> node that is both Puppetmaster and Nagios server:
>> Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
>> /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server017] (err): Could not 
>> evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
>> Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
>> /Stage[main]/Nagios::Target/Nagios_host[offman01] (err): Could not evaluate: 
>> undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
>> Thu Mar 10 12:13:14 +0100 2011 
>> /Stage[main]/Nagios::Server/Nagios_host[server000-vpn] (err): Could not 
>> evaluate: undefined method `sort' for :absent:Symbol
> It does this for all nodes. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that means
> or where to start looking. Google doesn't give any results when searching
> for this error.
> The strange thing that I notice is, that for any 'normal' node, it gives
> the error as a result of the Nagios::Server class (which is only included
> on the Nagios server i.e. 'this' node, and collects the Nagios_host
> resources), but for the node itself (offman01, the middle line in the
> excerpt above), the error is reported for the Nagios::Target class (which
> is included on all monitored nodes, including the Nagios server itself,
> which exports the @@nagios_host definitions).
> I am not sure what more information to give you, so if anyone has ANY
> idea, please let me know.

Some more information:

The nagios::target class has this:

class nagios::target {

    include nagios::common

    @@nagios_host { "$hostname":
        use => "generic-host",
        address => $fqdn,
        alias => $hostname,
        ensure => present,
        target => "$nagios::common::nagios_conf_test/host-$hostname.cfg",

    $hostgroups_parameter = generate (some command)

    if $hostgroups_parameter != "" {
        Nagios_host["$hostname"] {
            hostgroups => $hostgroups_parameter,

Now, if I comment out the last 'if' with everything inside, the error
gradually disappers, with gradually meaning, that for each node that did a
catalog run /before/ the Nagios server node, the error is gone.

I have verified that 'some command' actually generates valid information,
and it does so for all hosts, or so it seems.

Hm, just wondering right now: could it be because there are no quotes
around $hostgroups_parameter after 'hostgroups => ' ?

Best regards,

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