On 15 March 2011 20:38, Mohamed Lrhazi <lrh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We are using ruby-entreprise, instead of redhat's default ruby.... I
> was trying to deploy the needed gem using:
> /opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/gem install  --no-rdoc --no-ri
> /tmp/ruby-augeas-0.3.0.gem
> But found out this would require gcc to be installed!
> How can I preb-build this gem to remove the need for gcc on the nodes?

Why not build REE-specific rubygem-$GEM RPMs?

You could use gem2rpm to create spec files and update 'ruby', 'gem'
with '/opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/ruby', '/opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/gem'
in the spec file (or even make a default gem2rpm template with that)
(customise as much as you want) and build your RPMs.


-Naresh V.

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