I actually wrote up a post about using multiple environments for this
purpose. It includes the process flow chart as well.



On 3/22/11 2:10 PM, "Thomas Bellman" <bell...@nsc.liu.se> wrote:

>Giovanni Bordello wrote:
>> But what if I need to do a web-server specific change? And then
>> Mail-server specific change? If I had only one test client machine I
>> would have to reinstall it every time I needed to do verify a change
>> a different group of servers. That's hardly a way to go. There must be
>> better approach.
>> How do you guys test puppet changes before they go live?
>First of all, we do have multiple environments, so we can test
>new versions of the manifests before taking them into production.
>There is of course the an environment named "production" which
>clients are usually running from.  Then each sysadmin has their
>own personal environment, and some of us have multiple personal
>environments.  We do our changes in our personal environment,
>test them, and when we feel they are ready, we push them to the
>central Git repository, and then do a 'git pull' in the production
>environment.  I highly recommend this.
>Our approach to test machines vary a bit depending on how extensive,
>invasive and risky changes we are making.  If I'm doing something
>small and simple, like adding a member to a mail alias on the email
>server, I just do that, commit, push, pull and let puppetd on the
>email server do its job.  (Since I only run puppetd every fourth
>hour, not every thirty minutes, I might do a manual run of puppetd
>to apply my change quicker.)
>For somewhat larger changes, but changes where I feel the risk of
>actually harming the server is very low, I would first run puppetd
>manually in no-op mode on the live client against my environment.
>If that looks okay, I will then run puppetd again and let it do its
>changes, and then I test that my changes work as I intended.  If
>they don't, then I revert them (usually manually), and go back to
>fixing my manifests.
>When the risk gets higher, or if I think something will take me
>some time to implement, I install a test server.  That will usually
>be a Xen guest.  I make a new node definition in my manifests that
>is a copy of the real server I want to change, except that it has
>different hostname, IP address, and MAC address.  Then I install
>CentOS on that with kickstart (ca 5 minutes), and run Puppet on
>it (less than 15 minutes).  I have Puppet generate Xen config
>files and a kickstart file for the test machine on the Xen host,
>so it is fairly painless.  I do need to manually create the LVM
>volumes for the virtual disks, but all in all I can easily have
>a clone of server up and running in 30 minutes, including adding
>the test machine to DNS and DHCP, installing OS on it and running
>Puppet on it.
>When I have my test server up and running, I do all my testing
>on that.  When I'm close to finished with extensive changes, I
>often re-install my test server from scratch to check that
>everything really works.  Often I find that they don't (typically
>some missed dependencies) and have to fix that, and then I do
>a new re-install.
>Since virtual servers are fairly cheap (and I can often give
>them less CPU, memory and disk than the real server needs), I
>sometimes have several such test servers running, if I am doing
>work on several different features at the same time.  (That would
>typically be because I started on doing something, then some
>other change with higher priority came up and I had to put my
>original work aside for a few days or weeks.)
>Where the limit is for something you dare test directly on live
>production servers, would vary between organisations.  We can
>usually tolerate the occasional unplanned downtime if they are
>short enough, so I probably have a higher threshold than many
>others before I install a separate test machine.
>But regardless of how high risks you can take with your production
>machines, I heartily recommend that you make it easy to create and
>install test machines.  Virtualization is really nice for that.
>    /Bellman
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