
On 03/23/2011 07:13 PM, Peter Gillard-Moss wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an interesting problem with groups and users.
> Our puppet configuration is nice and modular so each application we wish
> to install has its own class.  For some applications we want to add
> existing users, created in another class to a new group.  Here's an example:
> class App1 {
>   package { "App1" ... }
>   user { "app1user" : ... }
> }
> class App2 {
>   package { "app2"
>     requires => Package["app1"] 
>   }
>   group { "app2users" :
>     ensure => present
>   }
>   user { name => "app1user"
>     groups => "app2users"
>   }
> }

In class App2, do
User<| title == app1user |> { groups => [ "app2users" ] }

Plusignment may work even better for you
User<| title == app1user |> { groups +> [ "app2users" ] }

> However puppet seems to balk doing this (even the first app) with:
>   "Cannot alias User[app1inapp3] to app1user; resource User[app1user]
> already exist"
> Just to add some extra complexity we also need to have two apps that
> extend the first one, like so:
> class App3 {
>   package { "app3"
>     requires => Package["app1"] 
>   }
>   group { "app3users" :
>     ensure => present
>   }
>   user { "app1inapp3" name => "app1user"
>     groups => "app3users"
>   }
> }

It's not at all clear to me what this is supposed to do. Perhaps you want to
class App3 {
  include App1::with_app3_support


class App3::with_app3_support inherits App3 {
  User["app1user"] { groups +> [ "app3users" ] }

BTW, does this manifest even work? I believe uppercasing class names
breaks puppet. (But you're probably just over-paraphrasing?)


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