On Mar 29, 9:38 pm, metalove <antih...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Let's assume that
> the file in the server was rollbacked to old data because of some
> reason.
> then, puppet client will update also..
> What I want is,
> puppet client should reject the update in this case...
> so is there any option at puppet clinet to reject update in this case?

Heed Patrick's "complete answer".  It's spot on.

However, if you nevertheless want to set up something like you
describe, for specific files, then you can write a custom fact(s) to
report the mtime(s) of the files in question, then write conditional
logic based on those facts into your manifests.  That would require
your manifests to know the current mtime of the server-side file,
which you might obtain via a custom function installed on the master.

If all of the "custom" and "conditional" in the above makes you
cringe, it should.  (And if it doesn't, it still should.)  It's a sign
that you are not fully grasping the Puppet paradigm: you are focusing
on changes, whereas Puppet is all about states.  The principle is that
you describe to the puppetmaster what your nodes are supposed to look
like, and Puppet ensures that it is so.  You want instead to describe
to the puppetmaster changes that might need to be made, and criteria
for deciding whether to apply those changes.  That's just not the
Puppet model.


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