A little while back I asked how to make puppet not report on a
resource.. and was shown the loglevel metaparam:

Quoting bell...@nsc.liu.se:

There is a metaparameter called 'loglevel'.  If you set that
to something lower than "notice" (i.e. either "info" or "debug"),
then Puppet won't report that it applied the resource...

So I made my resource like this:

file { "/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml":
    ensure => file,
    content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject { |k,v| (!(
k.is_a?(String) && v.is_a?(String) ) || (k =~ /password/i)) }.to_yaml
    noop => false,
    loglevel => debug,

This results, indeed, in the corresponding events not appearing in the
logs received by puppetmaster (in syslog)
I then noticed that the reports, as shown by foreman, still contain
these events. It shows there there was one "applied" change, though it
does not show what resource it is.

Why is that?

someone also suggested I used an Exec resource like so:

exec { "generate_facts_yaml":
        command => "/bin/false",
        unless => "do the real work here",

Can I generate a file's content, from an inline template, in an Exec
like above? How can I do that?

Thanks a lot.

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