I'm looking for a neat solution for this kind of need: we're looking
for a way to deploy pre-configured gnome workstations on a large
corporate network. The most interesting tool is sabayon, but it is not
allowing to pre-populate nautilus bookmarks with gvfs samba shares
(having a preconfigured set of shares for the users is a very easy
task on Windows AD domains).

The easiest way seems to push a predefined .gtk-bookmarks file into
the /home/<username> directory, further customized for his network
share (i.e. //myserver/<username>/share).

Here's the problem: how to instruct puppet to generate a customized
file with the interpreted <username> variable, and how to tell puppet
to place this file in /home/<username>?
Ideally, the file should be created only at first login to avoid
existing bookmarks to be overwritten...

Alternative solutions are obviously welcome!

Thank you!

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