If I create a user resource and specify UID and a group resource and
specify GID where the user and group may or may not already exist, in
the case where the user or group does exist would it be best practice

1) Have puppet change the uid/gid values, then post this change, trawl
through logs to find old & new uid/gid values and manually run find to
recursively change files and directories outside the users home
directory, or

2) Use some type of exec to trigger on user/group resource refesh only
to run the same thing automatically?

I'm in two minds, in that the second option means I don't have to do
anything manually but I also wouldn't want the exec triggered if I
just change something like the user comment for example.

If an exec is okay to use in these cases, then how would I get the
'old' uid/gid value into a puppet variable before I make the change,
as I would need to know this in order to run the chown/chgrp

Thanks for your time.

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