I'm having all sorts of trouble getting our new puppet-dashboard
install to connect/get the facts/inventory from the puppet master.

These are separate boxes, and I'm getting (testing):

root@puppetdash puppet-dashboard]# curl -k -H "Accept: yaml"
Forbidden request: puppetdash.rc.fas.harvard.edu( access
to /facts/hero0304.rc.fas.harvard.edu [find] at line 93

And in the WebUI node view:
Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: Input/output error

puppet-dashboard is v1.1.0 and the clients/puppetmaster are 2.6.7


path /facts
method find
allow dashboard,puppetdash.rc.fas.harvard.edu

path /inventory
method search
allow dashboard,puppetdash.rc.fas.harvard.edu

(that is, the dashboard application, and the hostname of it, just
incase). I've generated signed and retrieved the certs as documented.
I've also tried with allow * above, same results.

puppet.conf on the puppetmaster has:
facts_terminus = yaml

and settings.yaml on the dashboard has:
enable_inventory_service: true

# Hostname of the inventory server.
inventory_server: 'puppet'

# Port for the inventory server.
inventory_port: 8140

reports are working just fine, so I feel like I'm missing something
obvious....any help would be great!

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