On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 14:16, David Kavanagh <dkavan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to use Facter to determine how many cores or processors are
> available and edit a property file accordingly. I run it on my Mac and get
> sp_number_processors and on my Centos box, get processorcount.
> Both are using facter 1.5.8

Hey.  This is a known issues: the sp facts are all from a MacOS
central store of machine data, and are named to reflect that.  The
actual processorcount fact is unimplemented on OS-X, even though we
have the right data elsewhere.

You will just have to use the appropriate one for your platform;
personally I would add to the top of site.pp:

if $kernel == 'Darwin' {
  $processorcount = $sp_number_processors

Then you can use the processorcount name across the board. :)


I typed that code from memory, rather than checking a working system,
so it might have a syntax error, but you get the idea. :)
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