On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 02:17:59PM -0400, Mohamed Lrhazi wrote:
> Oh... is it because I have this in my site.pp:
> stage { pre: before => Stage[main] }
> class { "gu_splunk::solaris_old": stage => pre }
> If so then whats the correct way of doing what I am trying to do?
> Thanks a lot,
> Mohamed.

remove the entry in site.pp. In your manifest replace the include:

    case "$operatingsystem" {
      "redhat": {
        include gu_splunk::redhat
      "solaris": {
        class { "gu_splunk::solaris_old": stage => pre }
        include gu_splunk::solaris

include can only be used when you don't want to pass parameters.


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