On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Disconnect <dc.disconn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Couple quick examples. In the dpkg/apt module:
> if ($lsbdistcodename == '') {
>         err("LsbDistCodename not set on $fqdn. Not configuring apt!")
> } else {
> Or use '': in a case statement, eg:
> case $foo {
>   '1': { foo }
>   '': { undefined }
>   default: { other }
> }

Ah, in this case lsbdistcodename is dependent on lsb packages. Yeah,
unfortunately this can't be solved with pluginsync, since pluginsync
doesn't install packages. This is one package I would suggest
including in the base image.

Pluginsync takes care of facts written purely in Ruby, so I did not
consider these other cases and I don't have a good solution for facts
with external dependency. Maybe tag resources required for facts and
run puppet agent -t --tags plugins. Definitely open for other better



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