On May 13, 8:07 am, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:

My apologies for the empty post.

I agree that it is silly to suppose that extlookup() is a universal
solution, but personally, I don't take that impression from web
comments in the first place.  In fact, Puppet Labs's own recently
updated style guide recommends against using extlookup(), though that
position is controversial.

I also agree that for some sites, a richer / more powerful lookup
feature might be needed.

On the other hand, extlookup() is easy to set up and use, and it is
powerful enough for most needs.  If you need a more powerful data
lookup function then you would be lucky to find a canned one that
meets all your needs.

Moreover, I disagree with several of the opinions and conclusions in
your post:

1) You write: "The extlookup() functionality only allows [...
specifying implicitly ...] where to look for this value."  That is
false.  Extlookup does provide for configuration of a standard set of
CSV files to search (which can be parameterized by nodes' facts), but
the function also has an optional parameter to specify a specific file
to be searched first on any given invocation.

2) You would prefer looking up data via a compound key (config_item,
lookup_value) rather than via a simple key (config_item).  You rightly
observe that this would sometimes allow fewer files to be used than
are needed in the current implementation, because different values for
the same item could be distinguished by the "lookup_value" instead of
by the file in which they reside.  The trade-off, however, is that
every lookup is more expensive, because on average the function would
need to read more lines, and to perform a more complex analysis on
each one.  In your blog you suggest a DB backend, but that's not
really relevant because by that point you have a completely different
function than extlookup().  And even a DB performs multi-key queries
slower than single-key searches.

3) You argue that your suggested formulation of extlookup would be
"clearer as the configuration is more explicit then the current
extlookup() definition."  I think you're missing the point.  It would
indeed be clearer from which file the data would come, but the
objective of extlookup is to separate the *definition* of the data as
much as possible from the *use* of the data.  And I like that.  I
prefer that my manifests _not_ specify a bunch of details to every
extlookup() call, because that would obscure the details that are
important at the manifest level.

4) You seem to want to use an arbitrary-length list of values as your
lookup key, but I don't see how that can work while retaining the
apparent objective of reducing the number of data files that must be
associated with your configuration and retaining the use of CSV.

5) You write "Using the current (puppet 2.6) mechanism would require
me, if I understand it correctly, to configure different .csv files to
be searched for each 'configuration parameter'."  Perhaps, but I think
that's a bit of a straw man in that you are supposing a usage mode for
extlookup that isn't well attuned to its design.  Although it can
support them, extlookup is not designed for data domains that are
parameterized along many different dimensions.  More to the point,
such extensive parameterization is rarely needed in practice.

6) You write "I may also need in several places to override the
$extlookup_precedence. In any case this can’t be overridden several
times within the same module which is what I would need if I want to
lookup different variables."  I don't follow.  In the first place, you
can always use extlookup's third parameter to specify a particular
file to check first.  In the second place, your data are not well-
defined if it seems to make sense to alter the lookup precedence of
files that are already in the search path.

Let me not be taken as an extlookup() zealot.  I do like the design as
it is, but that doesn't mean it is ideal -- or even good -- for every
purpose.  One of the advantages of Puppet, however, is that it is
fairly easy to modify and extend.  If you would like an alternative
lookup facility then by all means, write one.  If you are community-
minded then you could consider sharing it; the Puppet Forge (http://
forge.puppetlabs.com/) makes it easy to do that.

You may also be interested in some of the extlookup() author's
comments about it (http://www.devco.net/archives/2009/08/31/
complex_data_and_puppet.php).  He hangs out here, so you may also hear
from him directly.



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