It would be convenient if you could download from a debian repository
that has the packages you want.  The logical place to find that
is somewhere under the control of the Amanda people,
but they don't seem to have that set up.  The debian backports
site doesn't have the version you are interested in, either.
Too bad.

Best thing you can do, then, is set up a local repository.


On 05/13/2011 04:50 PM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
hello puppet list

  My puppet server is now working quite wonderfully. Thanks go out to
all who have assisted in getting it to this point. At this point in
time my config is now correctly installing packages according to
arch,os and release. Centos is working quite well as of now, but I am
attempting to get the ubuntu side of things to work as well. I am
frankly more familiar with RHEL under puppet than ubuntu.

  Anywho, I was wondering if I could get an opinion on the following
situation. Ultimately the challenge I currently face is in how to
install the _same_ version of the amanda backup client (3.1.2) across
the board for all centos and ubuntu machines. There are currently no
repositories (on either side) that I know of that install this
particular version. As such I must download the software from the
amanda site. rpm handles this quite well on the RHEL side of things,
however it appears that dpkg does not download from URLs.

  Can I have an opinion on the best way to go about this? This is what
I have tried:

## puppet error ubuntu

root@chrome-fs:~# puppetd -t
info: Retrieving plugins
err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to retrieve current state of
resource: No specified source was found from puppet://puppet/plugins
info: Caching catalog at /var/lib/puppet/state/localconfig.yaml
notice: Starting catalog run
err: /Stage[main]/Ubuntu::Amanda/Package[amanda-backup_client]/ensure:
change from purged to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/dpkg
--force-confold -i'
returned 1: dpkg: error processing
  cannot access archive: No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing:

notice: Finished catalog run in 0.46 seconds

## ubuntu class

class ubuntu {

class amanda {

   case $architecture {
   'x86_64': {
        case $lsbdistcodename {

                jaunty: {
                   package { "amanda-backup_client":
                   source =>
                   provider =>  dpkg,
                   ensure =>  installed,

               lucid: {
                   package { "amanda-backup_client":
                   source =>
                   provider =>  dpkg,
                   ensure =>  installed,

               hardy: {
                   package { "amanda-backup_client":
                   source =>
                   provider =>  dpkg,
                   ensure =>  installed,


    'i386': {
        case $lsbdistcodename {

                jaunty: {
                   package { "amanda-backup_client":
                   source =>
                   provider =>  dpkg,
                   ensure =>  installed,

               lucid: {
                   package { "amanda-backup_client":
                   source =>
                   provider =>  dpkg,
                   ensure =>  installed,

               hardy: {
                   package { "amanda-backup_client":
                   source =>
                   provider =>  dpkg,
                   ensure =>  installed,


## base node template

node basenode {
case $operatingsystem {
            centos: { include centos include centos::amanda }
            ubuntu: { include ubuntu include ubuntu::amanda }
         #   debian: { include debian }


## node definition

node ''  inherits default {

Thank you greatly in advance!


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