On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 12:16:53PM +0100, Jonathan Gazeley wrote:
> Is there a way to stop and disable two services in one declaration?
> Currently I have this:
> # Stop sendmail
> service { "sendmail":
>       ensure => stopped,
>       enable => false,
> }
> # Stop exim
> service { "exim":
>       ensure => stopped,
>       enable => false,
> }
> Is it possible to format that like this?:
> service { "disabledemail":
>       name => ['sendmail', 'exim'],
>       ensure => stopped,
>       enable => false,
> }

Are you trying to have simultaneous stoppage or just save typing?  You
can achiev the latter by

service { [ 'sendmail', 'exim' ]:
        ensure => stopped,
        enable => false,


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