I have question about Debian package management with puppet. I'm
wondering is there sane way to make puppet respects packages pinning?
i.e., if I have several repos for one package, let's say it is "nginx"
which can be found in lenny & lenny-backports repos. I've created
pinning file like:
Package: nginx
Pin: release a=lenny-backports
Pin-Priority: 600

So, if i have nginx installed from repository "lenny" , 'apt-get
install nginx' will update (if version is newer of course) nginx from
lenny-backports .
When I run puppet, it just ignores package available in pins, I guess
it thinks package already installed. Package is described like:
   $packagelist = [ "nginx" ]

   package { $packagelist:
       ensure => installed,

Using "latest" is not the cure, because it will look only on version
(as i understand) and not on pins. I've found
which looks like something I need, but may be I'm missing something
and there is proper way to do this.

My puppet versions:
root@kappa2:~# dpkg -l|grep puppet
ii  puppet                                  2.6.2-4~bpo50+1
Centralized configuration management - agent
ii  puppet-common                           2.6.2-4~bpo50+1
Centralized configuration management
root@kappa2:~# puppetd --version

OS - Debian Lenny amd64, puppet from backports.

P.S. Please, CC me on reply.

Best regards,

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