Hi all,

I've got a bit of a strange one here. I'm seeing intermittent errors
for missing resource dependencies. I'm building up a Puppet config.
for a new server, making changes gradually and running the puppet
agent multiple times by hand to apply the changes. The behaviour I see
is that the errors suddenly appear when I make an apparently unrelated

Just to be clear: I have no argument with the fact that my Puppet
config. has problems in it (clearly dependencies must be present),
it's just that I'd expect the errors to be present the entire time
rather than intermittent.

I've got 'filetimeout = 0' set in puppet.conf on the master (and for
good measure it's set on the client too). The behaviour persists
across puppet master restarts and multiple client runs, and it seems
to 'latch' - the errors will occur persistently for tens of runs, and
then disappear for tens of runs.

I was running Puppet 2.6.2 when the problem first appeared. I've
upgraded both master and client to 2.6.8 and the behaviour persists.

This is the resource definition that is raising the errors:

                service { 'nslcd': tag => ['weekday','services'],
                        enable => true,
                        ensure => running,
                        subscribe => [ File['/etc/nslcd.conf'], File['/
etc/krb5.conf'] ],

(error for the above is "err: Could not run Puppet configuration
client: Could not find dependency File[/etc/nslcd.conf] for
Service[nslcd] at /home/puppet/etc/development/modules/services/
manifests/init.pp:105" - the client does not have nslcd installed, and
hence /etc/nslcd.conf is indeed missing)

Can anyone shed any light on this?


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