On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Chip <chip.schwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have pre, main, and post stages configured in my manifests.
> When I assign variables in the node declaration they are present in
> the main stage, but not my pre-stage.
> How do I assign variables at the node level that can be referenced in
> my pre stage?

Not sure how that would be affect by stages:

class a {
  notify { $var:}

node default {
  $var = "hi!"
  stage { "pre":
    before => Stage['main'],

  class { a:
   stage => 'pre',

notice: hi!
notice: /Stage[pre]/A/Notify[hi!]/message: defined 'message' as 'hi!'

The only thing I suspect is the variable is declared after the class
have been declared. A concrete example or pastie of your code would be
beneficial to diagnose this further.



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