On Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:58:24 +0400, Pavel Shevaev wrote:
> > Mitigation for 4:
> > 1) If the combined size of the files are small, you can try using "content"
> > instead of "source" for the files.
> Wow, that did the trick.... Thanks a lot! Deployment time is now 10-12
> seconds. I'm a puppet newbie and don't quite understand why it worked
> but it's great :)

So, the big difference there is that by using 'content', the file
contents are shipped down to the agent as part of the catalog.

With 'source', the agent will have to make a new HTTP request per file
to get the content when it attempts to manage the resource.

You end up saving a potentially large number of HTTP round-trips, which
adds up.

Jacob Helwig

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