Thanks John, the "if has_variable" was the key and allowed me to
remove the default variable definition.

If anyone is interested I posted an explanation and link to the source

- Trey

On Jun 6, 8:38 am, jcbollinger <> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 11:58 am,treydock<> wrote:
> > I am getting the following error on about every other manual run of
> > puppet... (hostnames removed)
> > err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> > SERVER: Failed to parse template zabbix/userparameter_mysql_conf.erb:
> > Could not find value for 'zabbix_mysql_user_parameters' at /etc/puppet/
> > modules/zabbix/manifests/classes/mysql.pp:7 on node
> > puppetclient.domain
> If runs sometimes succeed and sometimes fail for the same node then
> you probably have a missing dependency somewhere.  If there were
> exactly one missing dependency involved then the first-order estimate
> would be that half your runs would fail.
> > If I then do another puppet run, I do not receive the error.  It seems
> > that just about every other manual run during testing of new module
> > changes has this happen.  This is occuring on ALL my puppet clients
> > that are using the zabbix::mysql module.  All systems running
> > Puppet-2.6.8.  Below is the full debug log and my zabbix module.
> > The $zabbix_mysql_user_parameters variable is optional...right now
> > only one node has it defined explicitly, like so:
> >     $zabbix_mysql_user_parameters =  {
> >         item1 => { 'name' => 'mediawiki.usercount[*]', 'command' =>
> > 'mysql -B -s -e "SELECT count(*) FROM user" $1'},
> >     }
> > This is the mysql class for zabbix where the empty variable is defined
> > so that if no node has it defined it shouldn't fail...
> > $zabbix_mysql_user_parameters = []
> > class zabbix::mysql inherits zabbix::agent {
> >     file {
> >         "$zabbix_userparameter_config_dir/userparameter_mysql.conf":
> >             content => template("zabbix/
> > userparameter_mysql_conf.erb"),
> >             group   => "zabbix",
> >             owner   => "zabbix",
> >             mode    => "600",
> >             require => Package["zabbix-agent"];
> >         "$zabbix_user_home_dir/.my.cnf":
> >             source  => "puppet:///modules/zabbix/.my.cnf",
> >             group   => "zabbix",
> >             owner   => "zabbix",
> >             mode    => "600",
> >             require => [ Package["zabbix-agent"],
> > File["$zabbix_user_home_dir"] ];
> >     }
> > }
> The variable definition is at top level in the class's file?  And
> you're relying on that to provide a default definition of the
> variable?  Ew.  Now you have dynamic scoping thrown in.  But that
> ought to be parse-order dependent, so although it could explain some
> nodes succeeding but others failing, I don't think it explains
> individual nodes flopping back and forth between success and failure.
> > Here's the variables usage in the template...
> > <% zabbix_mysql_user_parameters.each do |key, value_hash| -%>
> > UserParameter=<%= value_hash['name'] %>,HOME=<%= zabbix_user_home_dir
> > %> <%= value_hash['command'] %>
> > <% end -%>
> > Would the solution be to make the template call use this instead??
> > <% if has_variable?("zabbix_mysql_user_parameters") -%>
> > <% zabbix_mysql_user_parameters.each do |key, value_hash| -%>
> > UserParameter=<%= value_hash['name'] %>,HOME=<%= zabbix_user_home_dir
> > %> <%= value_hash['command'] %>
> > <% end -%>
> > <% end -%>
> Maybe.  Does the node that has a customized value for the variable
> ever fail?  Does it always get the userparameter_mysql.conf template
> filled correctly?  If so then yes, your template change should do the
> trick, and you could then also remove the default variable definition
> (which isn't reliably working anyway).
> Otherwise, probably not.  That solution would likely make the errors
> disappear, but it wouldn't fix the actual problem.  Chances are that
> nodes with customized $zabbix_mysql_user_parameters would flip flop.
> In that case, the solution would probably require figuring out what
> dependency is needed and putting it in.
> John

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