On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 4:35 AM, Vagn Scott <vagnsc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Puppet already has stage[ Main ] which is the only
> stage it needs to define.  All other stages
> can be defined relative to main and each other, and should
> be a matter of convention.

This is true, but only if you don't care about sharing your puppet code with
anyone else, or consuming anyone else's code.

Say I build a module to set up a service that requires installing libraries,
laying down package repos, installing packages, and setting up a service.

You can't use stages for this in your module, because there are no
conventions around stages other than [main] that you can rely existing in
deployments other than your own.

>  So I think it would be more
> fruitful to talk about the purpose of stages, along with
> their proposed names.

As the OP, I'm going to say that I'm really interested in hearing about
this, but please start another thread :)

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