On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 07:45:44 -0700, bradejr wrote:
> Our environment (mostly RHEL) uses LDAP for user and group
> administration. Unfortunately, we have some cases where (broken)
> software insists on  local users and groups. I'm guessing it's
> checking the files directly instead of using the proper system calls.
> Our current process is to create the local user/group matching the
> LDAP entries. How are people handling this case? Puppet won't create
> the user locally, as it sees the user as already existing. We are
> currently using exec to call the local versions of the commands
> (luseradd, lusermod, etc), but that's something of a hack and makes
> for more complex classes. Does anyone have a graceful way to handle
> this in puppet?
> Thanks,
> Rob

Seems like it would be reasonable to make an luseradd provider for the
user type along the same lines as the existing useradd one.

Thanks for already opening a ticket for this!

Jacob Helwig

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