For the life of me I'm not sure why this isn't working properly but Puppet 
appears to execute classes in the order it feels like, not how I'm 
specifying it within the language.

I've tried the newer sytax

Class['one'] -> Class['two']

Yet, I see Class two get executed first.

I've also tried doing it by defining the class itself.

class { 'one': require => Class['two'] }

I've even gone down to the specific function within the class to see if this 
helps ie:

class {'one': require => Exec['withinclasstwo'] }

And the same issue.. what gives?

I haven't looked at the resource graph yet but the amount of modules we use 
it's almost readable.

How can I force one class to get executed first before the other? Why in my 
case is it not working?

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