Nigel Kersten wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 11:41 PM, Nan Liu <> wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Corey Osman <> wrote:
Why doesn't puppet resource group tell me who belongs to the group?
Given the group such as:
mg_team:x:501:smruph, cosman, msmith, mhankey
With the command:
puppet resource group mg_team
only returns:
group { 'mg_team':
    gid => '501',
    ensure => 'present'
I was expecting:
group { 'mg_team':
    gid => '501',
    ensure => 'present'
    members => ['smruph', 'cosman', 'msmith', 'mhankey'],

Am I missing a parameter or something?
Manage member is limited to specific providers:

I feel we've produced inconsistencies here, and given I added the
group membership support for OS X, it's largely my fault :)

We've too closely modelled the tools for managing users/groups on
various platforms, and I actually feel like we should break group
membership out into a separate type, so it's easier to express
semantics like:

* ensure nigel is not a member of group admin, leave group alone otherwise
* ensure nigel is a member of group admin, leave group alone otherwise

without requiring that the user nigel or group admin are even managed by Puppet.

That would be useful to us.

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