On Jun 24, 9:14 am, sergey <sergey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And how is it possible to connect to puppet client via ssh? I mean I usually 
> issue puppetrun nodename and then puppetmaster  connects to puppet client on 
> the client node. What should I do in case of ssh connect?

One does not connect to the puppet client *software*; rather, one
connectes to the puppet client *machine*.  The software (puppetd or
puppet agent, depending on the version) is after all not running as a
daemon.  Once connected, you execute a command such as "puppet agent --
onetime --no-daemonize".

If you wish to use it, command-line ssh clients typically provide a
means to specify a command to run on the remote machine instead of a
login shell (e.g. "puppet agent [...]"); this is convenient for


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