I see 2 likely options:
1) You don't have these lines in puppet.conf:
#ssl_client_header = HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
#ssl_client_verify_header = HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY

and you didn't put the equivelent lines in the apache config files.

2) You put the correct lines in the apache files and the puppet files which 
doesn't work.

Summery: You must change which headers puppet is looking for or what apache 
names those headers, but NOT both.

On Jun 27, 2011, at 12:11 AM, Stefan Midjich wrote:

> I installed puppet-passenger from Debian apt and most of the
> configuration files mentioned in my Pro Puppet book were already
> created and the config.ru script even had the correct owner
> permissions. I'm saying this so you'll understand that I have chapter
> 4 of the famous Apress book in front of me while I'm doing this and I
> have no idea what I've missed.
> This is the output when puppet agent -oDdv is run.
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]:
> Puppet::Type::User::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]:
> Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: file /usr/bin/dscl does
> not exist
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]:
> Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file rolemod does not exist
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]:
> Puppet::Type::User::ProviderLdap: true value when expecting false
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Failed to load library
> 'selinux' for feature 'selinux'
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]:
> Puppet::Type::File::ProviderMicrosoft_windows: feature
> microsoft_windows is missing
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/certificate_requests]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/private_keys]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/public_keys]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> log]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/run/puppet/
> agent.pid]) Autorequiring File[/var/run/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/certs/ca.pem]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> client_data]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> client_yaml]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/crl.pem]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> state]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/certs]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> state/graphs]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/state]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> clientbucket]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> state/last_run_summary.yaml]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/
> state]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/private]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> facts]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> lib]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/etc/puppet/
> puppet.conf]) Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Finishing transaction
> 69835232135480
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/certs]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/crl.pem]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/certificate_requests]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> log]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> lib]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> facts]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> state]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/certs/ca.pem]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/private]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/private_keys]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> ssl/public_keys]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Finishing transaction
> 69835233959160
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Using cached
> certificate for ca
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Using cached
> certificate for node00.swehack.localdomain
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Finishing transaction
> 69835232882020
>    Jun 27 08:55:28 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: catalog supports
> formats: b64_zlib_yaml dot marshal pson raw yaml; using pson
>    Jun 27 08:55:29 node00 puppet-master[9939]: Starting Puppet master
> version 2.6.8
>    Jun 27 08:55:29 node00 puppet-master[9939]: Could not parse for
> environment production: Permission denied - /etc/puppet/manifests/
> site.pp on node node00.swehack.localdomain
>    Jun 27 08:55:29 node00 puppet-master[9939]: Could not parse for
> environment production: Permission denied - /etc/puppet/manifests/
> site.pp on node node00.swehack.localdomain
>    Jun 27 08:55:29 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Could not retrieve
> catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not parse for
> environment production: Permission denied - /etc/puppet/manifests/
> site.pp on node node00.swehack.localdomain
>    Jun 27 08:55:29 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Not using cache on
> failed catalog
>    Jun 27 08:55:29 node00 puppet-agent[9861]: Could not retrieve
> catalog; skipping run
> Permissions on /etc/puppet/manifests is 0644 recursively. Just to be
> on the safe side, even puppet configuration in /etc/puppet is readable
> by world.
> The above output comes after disabling auth in auth.conf by putting
> auth no under the /catalog regex. If I re-enable auth I get this
> output.
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: (/File[/var/lib/puppet/
> state]) Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: Finishing transaction
> 70017548799140
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: Using cached
> certificate for ca
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: Using cached
> certificate for node00.swehack.localdomain
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: Finishing transaction
> 70017547722900
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: catalog supports
> formats: b64_zlib_yaml dot marshal pson raw yaml; using pson
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-master[9939]: Mon Jun 27 09:03:26
> +0200 2011 vs Mon Jun 27 08:29:42 +0200 2011
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-master[9939]: Denying access:
> Forbidden request: node00.swehack.localdomain( access
> to /catalog/node00.swehack.localdomain [find] at line 93
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-master[9939]: Forbidden request:
> node00.swehack.localdomain( access to /catalog/
> node00.swehack.localdomain [find] at line 93
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: Could not retrieve
> catalog from remote server: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request:
> node00.swehack.localdomain( access to /catalog/
> node00.swehack.localdomain [find] at line 93
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: Not using cache on
> failed catalog
>    Jun 27 09:03:30 node00 puppet-agent[9968]: Could not retrieve
> catalog; skipping run
> Line 93? Where?!
> My auth.conf is also pretty standard but here's the block regarding /
> catalog.
>    # allow nodes to retrieve their own catalog (ie their
> configuration)
>    path ~ ^/catalog/([^/]+)$
>    method find
>    allow $1
> I've also tried without the $ end of line character because I noticed
> in the apache access log that the GET request actually has more stuff
> at the end of the hostname.
> "GET /production/catalog/node00.swehack.localdomain?facts=eNqFVlm..."
> I've made sure to let puppetmaster create the certificates and all, I
> really don't get any certificate issues and I know how to re-create
> them in the worst case.
> The only thing that would differ here from a plain old vanilla Debian
> with passenger installed through apt would be that I changed the
> hostname of the machine after the installation and after the first
> certificates were created. I felt it was important to mention this
> because that means I have in fact re-created all the certs at least
> once.
> I've also grep'd for the old hostname to make sure it's not dormant
> somewhere causing issues but I can't find it. Except for in the
> inventory.txt file but I deleted those old lines just to be on the
> safe side.
> I found a thread dealing with this, replied to it because I was
> confused as to what the solution was. The thread in question mentioned
> that http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-dev/msg/b15e1c93bbc70fdb
> held the answer somehow.
> -- 
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