thank you very much, i'm gonna try this
and tell you

2011/7/7 Nan Liu <>

> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 9:43 AM, romuald FREBAULT <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We decide to manage all our specific crons for applications with puppet.
> > As all people who creates crons does'nt have to cope with puppet syntax,
> the
> > easier way to do that seemed to be giving them a place on the
> puppetmaster
> > where placing their crons, and deploying those crons in /etc/cron.d on
> > nodes.
> > That works fine, but i can't get a cron being removed on the node when
> > removed on the puppetmaster.
> >
> > I can't use purge (it would be too easy ;-) because some package install
> > crons in /etc/crons.d and we don't want to remove these crons, and we
> don't
> > want to get them handle by puppet due to errors risk in case of
> > update/upgrade....
> >
> > has anyone an idea of how i could have managed files removed on
> destnation
> > when removed from source without using the entierely purge function?
> >
> Well just an idea and it's a bit hideous because I'm abusing resource
> behaviors, and please give it more testing and feedback. So the
> process:
> deploy cron jobs with .puppet extension
> touch any crontab files with puppet extentions (unless mask the Exec
> so it doesn't show up in logs).
> use tidy to clean up old *.puppet files.
> define cronfile ($content) {
>  file { "/etc/cron.d/${name}.puppet":
>    owner   => "root",
>    group   => "root",
>    mode    => "0400",
>    content => $content,
>  }
>  exec { "update_${name}_timestamp":
>    command => '/bin/false',
>    unless  => "/bin/touch /etc/cron.d/${name}.puppet",
>    require => File["/etc/cron.d/${name}.puppet"],
>    before  => Tidy['/etc/cron.d'],
>  }
> }
> tidy { "/etc/cron.d":
>  age     => "30m",
>  recurse => 1,
>  matches => ["*.puppet"],
> }
> cronfile { "demo":
>  content => "* * * * * * /bin/true",
> }
> Set the tidy age to something sane so it doesn't remove files you just
> deployed (basically anything longer than a single puppet run), and
> this won't remove any files that doesn't have *.puppet extension.
> About the only thing to add is maybe ensure ntp timesync before you
> start touching any files. If you use cronfile custom resource it will
> deploy the cronjob in the right directory with appropriate extensions.
> Thanks,
> Nan
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