Well, it turns out that it's definitely a puppet bug.

The streaming checksumming that's used doesn't actually only look at the
first 512 characters like the static checksumming that's used for
verifying the file on disk does.


Jacob Helwig

On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 11:04:09 -0700, Haitao Jiang wrote:
> Jacob
> Thanks. I did that, the checksum is a3f7372d40abae273d2680b650ca4715.
> This is the second checksum in the error, what did 1st checksum came
> from? The file itself never changed during my tests.
> What is the next step?
> Thanks
> Haitao
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Jacob Helwig <ja...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 08:41:24 -0700, Haitao Jiang wrote:
> >>
> >> This happens to Puppet 2.7.1 (both master and client). I have a file
> >> resource that I set to ensure => absent, Puppet removed it correctly
> >> with info line that it has a duplicate entry in the filebucket. I then
> >> changed the ensure => present, the agent run gave me following error:
> >>
> >> /usr/bin/puppet:19
> >> err: 
> >> /Stage[main]/Emb/File[/opt/jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526.tar.gz]/ensure:
> >> change from absent to file failed: Could not rename temporary file
> >> /opt/jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526.tar.gz.puppettmp_7809 to
> >> /opt/jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526.tar.gz: File written to disk
> >> did not match checksum; discarding changes
> >> ({md5lite}3dc95fb231fdabbe161d8773e2a10457 vs
> >> {md5lite}a3f7372d40abae273d2680b650ca4715) at
> >> /etc/puppet/modules/emb/manifests/init.pp:38 at
> >> /etc/puppet/modules/emb/manifests/init.pp:38
> >>
> >> I have
> >>
> >> file { "/opt/jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526.tar.gz":
> >>         ensure => present,
> >>         checksum => md5lite,
> >>         source => 
> >> "puppet:///emb/jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526.tar.gz",
> >>     }
> >>
> >> Is this a bug?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Haitao
> >>
> >
> > There certainly shouldn't be any problem with going from ensuring absent
> > to ensuring present.  Not sure if it's a bug though, since that kind of
> > behavior could also be caused by problems with the filesystem on the
> > agent.
> >
> > If you have direct access to the
> > jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526.tar.gz from your emb module, could
> > you run the following ruby script to get what its md5lite checksum is?
> >
> >  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
> >
> >  require 'digest/md5'
> >
> >  path_to_jetty_distribution = 'jetty-distribution-7.4.2.v20110526.tar.gz'
> >
> >  puts Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(path_to_jetty_distribution)[0..511])
> >
> > --
> > Jacob Helwig
> >
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