On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 09:53:36 -0700, PBWebGuy wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I wanted to comment on bug http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/7680
> which is a regression introduced in 2.6.8.  I recently ran into this
> issue and had to downgrade to 2.6.7 from 2.6.8.  When I discovered the
> issue I tried upgrading to 2.6.9 and it was still an issue.
> The problem is simply that if the source points to a symlinked file,
> the md5 calculation fails.  This bug has prevented me from moving
> forward and would love to see it get fixed.
> I wanted to vote on the bug but I have not figured out how to get some
> level of access to the bug tracking system.  I also have a few other
> bugs that I would like to report but the process is not clearly
> documented.
> Thanks,
> John

You should be able to vote on the issue once you've logged in.  It
shouldn't require any special permissions.

I'm guessing you've already created an account on the Redmine

As far as reporting other bugs: Once you've logged in, you should be
able to click the New Issue link[2] when you're viewing the appropriate
project.  There isn't really much "process" around it.  We appreciate if
you check for a pre-existing ticket before filing a new one, but it's
not like we'll get angry if you don't spot that it's duplicate.

[1] https://projects.puppetlabs.com/account/register
[2] https://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/issues/new

Jacob Helwig
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